
How to Add Multiple Migrations in Truffle?

Migration, in general, is a very much known term for developers in different aspects. In general, it is the process of moving your application from one operating environment into another operating environment to upgrade it. But most of the backend developers use it to define the schema of your database.  In Ethereum blockchain we need […]


How to Work with iFrame during WordPress Post Insertion?

Content sharing is fairly a common practice. However, featuring another creator’s content on your WP site has potential legal ramifications. In a nutshell, iFrame is a fruitful way to embed a web page into the content of another page. There are two situations where iFrames are generally useful. First, when you wish to share content […]

Javascript Uncategorized

How to Get Data from FCM while App is in Background in React Native?

The notifications module in React Native Firebase has support for both remote (FCM) and local notifications. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a great way to notify users about something you want them to know. But you can do more instead of showing only the message to the client. So, how do you get data from […]


Do We Need to Unsubscribe Angular HttpClient?

Is there any way we can unsubscribe Angular HttpClient manually? Fortunately, yes we have! But we don’t need to unsubscribe it. Instead, HttpClient observes until getting a response from API. And, once it gets the response, HttpClient unsubscribes automatically. Https use AsyncPipe for the response and the AsyncPipe subscribes to an Observable. It returns the […]


Adding a Mime Type to WordPress

WordPress doesn’t have .xml as part of its default mime-types, so we need to add it ourselves. How can you do that? Search for wp_get_mime_types() function in the WordPress core files. You will find it inside the wp-includes/function.php. In the function, you will find a filter called mime_types. We have an appropriate filter now, and […]