Content sharing is fairly a common practice. However, featuring another creator’s content on your WP site has potential legal ramifications. In a nutshell, iFrame is a fruitful way to embed a web page into the content of another page. There are two situations where iFrames are generally useful. First, when you wish to share content […]
Category: PHP
Adding a Mime Type to WordPress
WordPress doesn’t have .xml as part of its default mime-types, so we need to add it ourselves. How can you do that? Search for wp_get_mime_types() function in the WordPress core files. You will find it inside the wp-includes/function.php. In the function, you will find a filter called mime_types. We have an appropriate filter now, and […]

YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener How about having a pet name for your website. A short, geeky, precise URL for a long webURL is what YOURLS is. YOURLS is nothing but a set of PHP scripts and the best thing is all the versions of YOURLS are named after (metal) music celebrity. The latest one is YOURLS […]
Spawn FCGI vs FCGI Wrap

Before I make out the differences a summary on FCGI that is the Fast Common Gateway Interface. FCGI is a fast, open, and secure binary Web server interface protocol. It is actually a CGI only with some additional plugins. Speeds of the incoming requests to a web site or a specific application programme increases by […]
Drush:Powered by Drupal

Before starting with DRUSH, lets have a flashback about DRUPAL. Drupal is an open source content management, web development platform. Having a high modularized architecture Drupal has already made its mark in the and With no licence, no purchase, no maintenance Drupal is all set free to download, modify and use. Its Scalable starting from […]

HHVM: In looking for an infrastructure to comput more efficiently HHPM an efficient PHP Engine was developed by Facebook . Commonly know as HipHop for PHP. HHPM is an intermediate bytecode language which translate PHP to native code through JIT(Just In time Compiler).PHP is simple to learn, read, write, and debug.Through HHPM CPU usage can be […]

Drupal can be extended by composing your own module as per the needs.Before taking you through the practical guide I will be giving you a lime light of what a module is? What is a Drupal Module? A set of files with some special features and functionalities makes a module. The purpose behind this is […]
Yii LESS Extension

Yii Less Extension gives a simple way to include LESS files in your Yii view files.
Extension Home: Click Here
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BuddyPress xProfiles ACL WordPress Plugin
Plugin Home: Click Here
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